Thursday 2 February 2017

Outdoor Sketching Day 8-17

For some reason, making a blog post seems more tedious than posting on Instagram or Facebook. So I tend to procrastinate when it comes to posting in this blog. If you're interested in up-to-date posts, you can follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Day 8:

This was done at a mall in my city. This is the food court(I think that's what its called), where all the food stalls are located in the shopping mall. Painting this location was particularly challenging because of the number of items that were in front of me. And on that day, I started this painting around 7:30 in the evening, and by the time I finished it, pretty much everyone left the mall. It got quite late, & I finished the day by taking home a yummy Subway sandwich. I like getting those whenever I can :) Back then I didn't particularly like the way this painting turned out, but now that I look at it, I think its not that bad.

Day 9:

This was the first painting that I made outside after sunset and the environment is relatively dark. I made this painting without any ink lines as base, and I liked how it turned out. The result feels painterly. Although I don't think I ever used this process again. For the most part, I like having an ink drawing as a base. Its like having a plan mapped out and it allows me to focus more on colors, which makes the process rather fun. The downside is, its very time consuming. Eventually I might just work without an ink drawing as a base. Back to speaking of this painting, the vehicle in the middle is out of proportion. I realized it much later when I was looking back at this one day.

Day 10:

This was done at the book fair. This is probably the least successful painting of all that I have done so far this year. My mind just wasn't in the game that day. I didn't even bother to finish it or take a good scan of it.

Day 11:

I took a couple of days off and it was really helpful. I ended up making one of the best paintings I did outdoors. I realized that pushing through boredom & lack of motivation is just not my thing. I find myself giving my best when I'm patient, inspired, and have a lot of time to work on a painting. So I have decided to not make Outdoor Sketching a daily habit. Instead I go out depending on how I feel on that particular day. And speaking of this particular painting, this was done at Wagon Workshop Colony. This is some kind of water storage unit. These structures have always fascinated me. I think they're the tallest structures in that colony. I've always wondered how it'd look inside this structure. Perhaps I'll take a look inside someday. I was really happy with the way this painting turned out, although I had to hurry up a bit in the end because I was surrounded by a lot of curious kids by the end of this painting.

Day 12:

This is the view of a section of the thermal power plant from WWS Colony. The power plant is few kilometers away from the colony. This was a relatively simple painting. While making this, I was surrounded by few kids and puppies. Its so hard to make a painting when cute puppies are around. As for the kids, its amazing that they stuck around for pretty much the whole time to watch me paint. It can be quite boring to watch someone paint, but those kids were very curious and interested.

Day 13:

I was very fascinated with this particular location. The houses were built along side the slope of the hill and it was covered with so many power cables. I tried to capture as much of the details as I can, and that was a big mistake. The painting ended up being...well my brother put it the best "It looks like you painted something and scratched all over it with lines."

Day 14:

I made this painting at the Vijayawada Railway Station. There is a big replica of the first steam engine(that's what it says on the plaque) located near the entrance of the station. I went out at noon that day to paint this and it was so damn hot. 

Day 15:

This was the painting of the ice cream I had that day at Pabrai's Vijayawada. This was Orange-Basil flavor. They have some pretty crazy flavors like Green Tea. I should try them sometime.

Day 16:

This was the painting of a mosque in my city. The locals said that its the biggest mosque in the city and it has been there for more than 400 years. The mosque is located right by the highway and I sat on the divider in the middle of the road and painted this. Since it was afternoon, there wasn't much traffic, but it got tough to paint by around 4 in the evening when more vehicles started to pass by. But I managed to finish this just in time. I really liked how this painting turned out. Too bad, the scan isn't too close to the original. Until I get a better scanner, I will try to make my scans match as closely to the original as possible.

Day 17:

Ah, finally this long post comes to an end. As I'm typing this, its 8 in the morning and I haven't slept all night. My eyes are pretty tired, I made few mistakes while typing this, and I laid down a couple of times in between and almost went to sleep. Anyway, this is the painting of one of the entrances of the Vijayawada Railway Station. It has a pretty good architecture. It could look even better with proper maintenance of the building and its surroundings. More importantly, people should be more responsible and not litter around.


Well, that's it for today. And that's all the Outdoor Sketching I did in the past month. There are still a few more images that I haven't posted yet. I will probably post them in the evening, unless procrastination strikes.

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